Jenifer is a mom and Master Artisan. Several years ago she developed an allergy to the cheap metals that are so often used in less expensive jewelry, so she was left with three options: 1) Not wear jewelry (not really an option because she loves jewelry so much), 2) only buy already crafted fine jewelry (again, not really an option because it's so expensive), or 3) figure out how to make her own jewelry, using only quality materials that her skin wouldn't have a problem with.
Jenifer told us, "As you can probably guess, I chose option #3, and started happily on my way of making my own jewelry. After time, my skills and my creativity increased and I found that I was constantly getting compliments and inquiries like "where did you get that?" and "can you make me one?"
So the seed was planted and, between my husband and I, carefully cultivated, into a successful business idea. And now we bring it to you, the world, through our little shop here on Etsy. An exciting road it will be!"
At The Family Jewels, beautiful jewelry is important. But more important is quality. When you buy a piece of jewelry from The Family Jewels, you are guaranteed to get a piece that has been painstakingly handcrafted, tested and improved, if needed to insure it's integrity. Click on any photo to learn more about the item.
The SATeam blog features artisan handmade creations by the etsy starving artists jewelry team. SATeam members create handcrafted jewelry and beads. More information about our team and its current etsy shop owner members can be found at
Great interview! Love to hear the story behind the shop.
Cindy, you're doing a great job!
Greta article. Jenifers work is fresh and so much fun. I love the Halloween spiders.
Way to go Jen! You've really done an awesome job with your shop. I am so impressed with all your dedication! I'm so happy for all your success!
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