I’d like to introduce you to another one of my favorite tools. The screw down hole punch. This is a handy tool for making holes in any metal piece without the use of a dremel or foredoom. It gets a lot of use in my studio. You just slide your piece of metal into appropriate slot, and twist the screw. It’s that easy! It makes 1/16th and 3 /32nd holes as easy as pie!
I have a version of that tool... Aren't tools fun!
I can only nod fiercely, love that tool too, couldn't do without it. And you can even get spare parts for it.
Cool tool. Always like to read comments from an actual user of a tool.
I love these punches too. But a word of warning--don't ever use them on steel, even if it's very thin. I tried to punch a hole in a thin steel dog license and it broke the punch right off the handle. Fortunately I found a place that sold a replacement punch the right size so I could fix it, but still...
I really must get one of these! Great feature.
I don't have one of these...now it's on my must have list. Thanks for the input, Nicole.
I love mine! I use it tons, it's quick and simple. I have so so SO many tools I could talk about! I may bore you after I get rambling on and on and on.
I need one of those!
Currently using my late FIL's punch from the 1940's that weighs about 10 pounds and requires balancing it in my lap while using both hands to use it.
It makes nice holes, but what a pain!
One of my favorite tools. I have a punch that squeezes like a pair of pliers but this one is so much nicer to use.
I have this one too. I use it a lot, but just wish that the space to place the metal was just a bit larger as some of my pieces won't fit to make a center punch.
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